Quick Links
- CCSD Required Documents & Regulations
- District Policy 1741 Home-School Students
- Forms
- NYS Education Dept Links
- ELA and Math curriculum resources:
First step is to notify the district of your intent to homeschool. You must send a letter of intent to the office of the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction by July 1st of each school year.
You may use our simplified Notice of Intent form in the Quick Links on the left.
Once the school receives the letter of intent to homeschool, parents must submit the appropriate Individualized Homeschool Instruction Plan (IHIP) to the Assistant Superintendent. These are due by July 1st of each school year. Parents who decide to homeschool after July 1st, must submit their IHIPs within 14 days of the letter of intent.
Curriculum and sample IHIP and Quarterly Report forms can be found under the quick links on the left. These forms may be submitted by email or mail.
Moving out of the state or relocating outside of Carthage district? Please use this form to notify us:
Notice to Discontinue Homeschooling
All forms can be submitted through postal mail to 36500 NYS Route 26, Carthage, NY 13619 or via email to Tara Wilson, Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent.
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Jefferson County invites homeschool families to contact Sabrina Derue at 315-788-8450 ext 229 or email sld95@cornell.edu to find out more about their virtual programming.
Visit the 4-H Youth website at http://ccejefferson.org/4-h-youth/nutrition-youth
Parents of, or persons in parental relation to, compulsory school age children have the legal right to instruct their children at home. If a child is being educated at home, the local school district must be assured that the child is receiving instruction in certain required courses/subjects.
Parents who wish to home school their children must provide written notice of intent to the school district assistant superintendent. The school district must then respond to the family and provide a copy of the home instruction regulations as well as an individualized home instruction plan (IHIP) form to complete.
While homeschooling students must live within the district, they are not enrolled in the school district. As a result, parents who choose to homeschool their children are responsible for identifying and procuring the curriculum materials that they will use to instruct their children in the required subject areas.