
Every year the Carthage Central School District buses travel more than 1.1 million miles in its transportation of students to and from school. The District provides transportation to and from school for all students K-12 who live more than ¼ miles from the school they attend.
The Carthage School Transportation Department also provides transportation for:
-Special needs students -Students living in the Carthage School District that wish to attend a Parochial or Private schools -Middle School & High School students staying for academic assistance, sports, or other school related activities. Bus departure times for late activities are at 5:15 pm. -Field trips & Sports Trips
(An application for transportation to a non-public school must be submitted to the office of the Superintendent of Schools by April 1 of the preceding school year to be considered for transportation.)

Every year your student will be mailed a postcard with their bus stop location, time, and route number.
These designated stops must be used.
All students should allow a window of five (5) minutes before or after designated pick up times
Periodically throughout the year bus times and routes may change due to growth in our schools. We will do our best to give you advanced notice when changes are made to your student's busing.
(The establishment of bus stops was made after considering and balancing issues of student safety, convenience, routing efficiency, and cost. The Safe Bus Stop Guidelines Manual and the School Law Book were referenced extensively while deciding the group bus stops.)

Carthage Central Schools Transportation Department
21796 Cole Rd
Carthage, NY 13619
PH: 315-493-0950
Fax: 315-493-7512
When you call: Melinda and Brett will always be glad to help you. But if you need to speak to Jason please let them know. They'll be glad to help you anytime.
Universal Pre-K
The Carthage School District Transports Pre-K students ages 4 and up.
For the 2023-2024 school year the UPK program will be run by the district. Please check back for updated information regarding transportation.
There are a limited number of students that can attend Universal Pre-K at one time. How are students chosen?
-Applications are separated into the three elementary attendance zones. -The remaining applicants go on a waiting list. -The initial routes are created by the transportation department based on the attendance zone. -As students leave the program new students from the waiting list in that attendance zone are chosen. If a new student fits the route then they can ride a bus. If the new student doesn't fit the route then the parent has a choice to transport themselves. -If the parent cannot transport and the student does not fit into the initially created routes then the student will be put back on the waiting list and the next student chosen and so on. -It is important for you to know that we will not cross attendance zones to transport students. If you live in one attendance zone but your baby sitter lives in another then your student must go to the baby sitter's attendance zone. -Each Pre-K student must stay with the transportation arrangements that are initially made or transport their student if a change is needed.
All questions concerning your Pre-K student's application must first be directed to the Assistant Superintendent's Office who will contact us for any information they do not have. You may reach their office at: 315-493-5147.