Fingerprinting Process from Start to Finish

Fingerprints are required prior to being appointed to any position.

All fingerprinting required by the Education Department for certification or employment must be scheduled with MorphoTrust:

Log onto

Scroll down to “Digital Fingerprinting” click and then “Enter the Service Code” 14ZGR7

Click on “Schedule or Manage Appointment”.

Complete all the steps for your personal information.

Next, you will choose the documents to bring with you for your appointment.

Enter the Zip Code of where you are staying and click on a location, then schedule a date and time for your appointment.

IdentoGO - Customer call center: (877) 472-6915.

You may also call MorphoTrust: (978) 215-2400.

If you have any questions, please contact OSPRA at: or call (518) 473-2998.

After you have been fingerprinted, please contact us at 315-493-5148 or 5147and provide your SSN in order for us to verify your clearance.


The fingerprint application fee is:


Payment is made in person at the time of the appointment.